Get Your Allergy Symptoms Under Control by Improving Your IAQ

If you or someone else in your Jupiter, Florida, home suffers from allergies, improving the indoor air quality (IAQ) in your home is probably your top priority. Luckily, with a few simple tips and tricks, you can take control of the pollutants in your home and tame your allergy symptoms so you can breathe a little easier. If you are looking to improve your home’s IAQ, follow the tips below.

Make Vacuuming a Part of Your Routine

Many of the allergens in your home have likely found a new home in the carpet and the corners of your home. You can help reduce the buildup and stay on top of removing allergens in the home by making vacuuming a part of your regular routine.

Use a vacuum with a HEPA filter, and you will be able to remove chemicals, pollen, pet dander, and dust mites from their new residence. Focus on high-traffic areas and corners where allergens can hide.

Keep Allergens Out Whenever Possible

One way to reduce the allergens in your home is to prevent them from entering your home in the first place. Start by placing mats at each door, and ask your guests to remove their shoes and coats after entering. Remember that these mats will help trap the pollutants that are on your shoes. Therefore, you need to make sure they are regularly cleaned to prevent these contaminants from getting further into your home.

If you share your home with pets, consider performing their grooming outside to reduce the amount of dander released in your home.

Maintain a Strict No-Smoking Zone in Your Home

One of the biggest indoor air pollutants is the contaminants that are released in cigarette smoke. Secondhand smoke contains more than 4,000 chemicals and can increase the risk of respiratory infections, worsen asthma or allergy symptoms. Inform your guests that they must smoke outdoors. In addition, ask them to remove their coats and wash their hands when they come back in.

Make Sure Your Home Is Properly Ventilated

Airflow is a critical component of maintaining good indoor air quality. Having proper airflow will remove the stagnant air from your home and replace it with fresh air. Keep windows and doors open when using any chemicals or cleaners that release high levels of volatile organic compounds (VOCs). When cooking, always make sure to run your exhaust fan to draw smoke and exhaust particles out of the air.

Keep Your HVAC System Clean and Well-Maintained

Many of the allergens in your home could be the result of a poorly maintained HVAC system. Without regular cleaning and maintenance, dirt, debris, pollen, and dander can build up on the components of your HVAC system and settle in your ductwork. This debris can circulate out of the vents and throughout the air in your home, not only damaging the indoor air quality of your home but also making your HVAC system work less efficiently.

Regularly Clean Linens and Bedding

Dust mites are a common cause of allergy symptoms and are attracted to the dead skin cells you shed in your bedroom and sheets. Pet lovers may also find that pet dander and hair will build up on bed linens if you allow your pets to share your bed. Launder your linens and bedding at least once a week to remove contaminants that can trigger your allergy symptoms.

Consider Installing an Air Cleaner

A great way to reduce the allergens in your home while improving your indoor air quality is to install an air cleaner. Air cleaners work to purify the air in your home by trapping common contaminants before they can be released into your air supply. You can choose from multiple models with either fiberglass, electrostatic, or electronic filters that can remove small particles from the air up to varying degrees.

If the indoor air quality in your home is causing your allergy symptoms to get out of control, consider the tips listed above. Want to take the first step to take control of your home’s IAQ? We can help. Contact Stephen K. Denny, Inc. at (561) 743-9554 to schedule your HVAC maintenance or discuss installing an air cleaner.

Image provided by Shutterstock

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