2 Ways to Lengthen Your HVAC System’s Lifespan

Keeping your air conditioner working efficiently in summer will keep you and your family comfortable and help you save time and money. With regular cooling maintenance, you can keep your Palm Beach Gardens, Florida, home’s HVAC system working for many years. You can extend your system’s life with regular maintenance and a programmable thermostat.

Schedule Regular Maintenance

During a maintenance visit, a service technician can catch problems, such as a leak in your ductwork or finding a part that needs attention before these problems become severe. To keep your system running a long time, you should have your HVAC components checked by an expert at least once per year. You should also change your air filter every few months to keep your system working efficiently and your indoor air quality high.

A dirty air filter reduces your air conditioner’s airflow, making your system work harder. This can result in expensive utility bills and a shorter lifespan for your unit. Neglecting to change your air filter can also spread contaminants like dust, pet dander, pollen, and dirt through your home. To keep your indoor air quality high and extend your air conditioner’s life, you should change the air filter regularly.

Install a Programmable Thermostat

You can use a programmable thermostat to turn your HVAC system off or down automatically when you leave for work or go to bed. This allows you to conserve energy without impacting your family’s comfort. An air conditioner that stays on less will experience less damage from wear and tear and have a longer lifespan. Programmable thermostats can also provide convenient maintenance reminders which encourage you to make those service appointments that help to keep your system running efficiently for many years.

Scheduling regular maintenance and installing a programmable thermostat are two important steps you can take to keep your system running a long time. Stephen K. Denny, Inc. has been providing air conditioning services since 1990. Call our team today at (561) 743-9554 to learn more about the services we offer.

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