Improve Your Home’s Efficiency by Installing a Heat Pump

The efficiency of your heating system is important if you want to keep your utility bills down. One of the most efficient methods of heating and cooling a home is installing a new heat pump in your Jupiter, Florida home.

How Does a Heat Pump Work?

A heat pump operates similarly to a refrigerator. In a heat pump, the refrigerant flows through the indoor and outdoor coil through an expansion valve. The rapid expansion of the liquid results in a gas which rapidly cools the refrigerant. During winter, this allows the outdoor coil to absorb heat energy and transfer it into the home, where it will increase the indoor temperature. It works in reverse to cool your home in summer.

How Installing a Heat Pump Can Improve Energy Efficiency

Heat pumps do not burn fuel to generate heat or cooled air; they simply transfer heat from one place to another. This provides them with a high energy-efficiency rating referred to as the coefficient of performance. A coefficient of performance is expressed by determining how much electricity an appliance uses to produce one unit of energy. The greater the number, the more energy efficient a source is. Heat pumps are the only heating source other than solar heating that produces a COP of higher than one, making it one of the most efficient ways to heat your house.

Types of Heat Pumps

Heat pumps can either use heat from the ground, air, or a water source. Typically the type of heat pump you choose will depend on your home’s proximity to a water source, humidity levels, and how low the outside temperature might drop throughout the year. A water heat pump provides the most consistent temperature without the higher expense that comes with a ground heat pump. Air heat pumps are the most common and perform well in areas where winters are mild.

Enjoy the benefits of improved home efficiency by contacting Stephen K. Denny, Inc. at (561) 743-9554 today to find out which type of heat pump will work best for your needs.

Image provided by Shutterstock

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