Can a UV Lights Improve Your Air Quality in Stuart, FL?

Ultraviolet lights reduce stress in your system by destroying contaminants building up in your ductwork. Installing UV lights in your HVAC system improves the airflow and lowers maintenance costs. If you were wondering if UV lights can improve your indoor air quality, there are many benefits to installing them in your HVAC system in Stuart, FL.

The Discovery of UV Light Led to UV HVAC

Ultraviolet lights have been around since 1800, and scientists proved they could kill bacteria in 1892. UV C air purifiers could reduce the spread of disease and improve indoor air quality. The UV lights that help protect your family’s health have been improving over the past 125 years.

Benefits of HVAC Ultraviolet Light

UV lights help your HVAC system use less energy and clean the indoor air better. An HVAC with UV lights installed promotes a healthier life for you and your system. Some benefits to UV lights include killing bacteria and viruses, removing volatile organic compounds and reducing maintenance requirements.

HVAC Ultraviolet Light Reduces Sickness

Ultraviolet lights disrupt the DNA of germs, which kills their ability to multiply. UV lights focus on the coils of your system to prevent germ or debris buildup. Some of the debris that UV lights target includes smoke, dust and pollen.

Without the UV lights, the coils would pump the contaminants in the air back into your home. Hospitals and other healthcare buildings use UV lights in their HVAC systems too. UV lights can be the last line of defense for drug-resistant germs.

HVAC Ultraviolet Light Reduce Allergies

UV lights destroy dust, dust mites and other allergens the same way the germs are. Adding UV lights to your HVAC system can lower environmental triggers of asthma and allergies. Allergens can lead to widespread illness through your home or office as they travel through the air ducts.

Ultraviolet Light Eliminates Odors

If there is an odor coming through your air ducts, you’ll notice it quickly. Odors from indoor air can be up to five times more hazardous than from outdoor air. UV lights in your furnace can reduce the volatile organic compounds that enter your indoor air.

Over time, dust and germs cover sections of your HVAC system, which UV lights keep clear longer. Your indoor air quality improves as the UV lights stop more contaminants from becoming airborne. If you or a neighbor need an inspection of your air ducts in Stuart, FL, call us at Stephen K. Denny, Inc. to schedule an appointment today.

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