4 Signs That Spell Trouble with Your HVAC System

Your HVAC system is essential for comfort in your Wellington, Florida, home. Keep an eye out for these early signs that something is amiss with your HVAC system, so you can address them as early as possible.

Water Around the HVAC Unit

Your HVAC unit should stay dry. The condensate drain is designed to pull moisture away from the system, so condensation doesn’t collect as the transfer of heat takes place. If this condensate line gets clogged, you may find water pooling around the unit. Standing water is never something you want in your home. Contact a professional to help resolve the problem.

Frequent Cycling

Your HVAC system shouldn’t cycle on and off in short bursts. If you notice that it’s running for only a short period of time, there could be a problem with your sensors. This is an efficiency nightmare and something to address as soon as possible.

Increasing Energy Bills

Are your energy bills inexplicably high? If you’re seeing a significant increase over this time last year, you should have your system inspected to see if a failing HVAC component is to blame. Even minor issues can do major damage to your energy efficiency. Regular maintenance visits will help you catch these problems early.

Unusual Smells

If you come home to a damp, musty, or otherwise unpleasant odor that you can’t track down, the issue could be lurking in your HVAC system. If your best cleaning efforts aren’t doing the job, it may be time to look more closely at your air quality. Upgrading your system to include an air cleaner or air ventilation system could solve the problem.

If you notice concerning issues with your heating system, don’t wait. Contact Stephen K. Denny, Inc. at (561) 743-9554 to schedule service as soon as possible. Our reliable comfort advisors will help you get to the bottom of any problem.

Image provided by Shutterstock

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