Tips for Improving IAQ When Sharing Your Home With Pets

When you share your Boca Raton, Florida, home with pets, you are also sharing it with their dander and hair, which can worsen asthma and allergy symptoms. Luckily, improving the indoor air quality (IAQ) in your home doesn’t mean you can’t live with your lovable pets. By following just a few simple tips below, you can help control the pet dander and hair in your home to allow everyone to breathe a little easier.

Bathe and Groom Your Pet Often

Most of the pet dander and hair around your home will come from dead skin cells and loose hair on your pet. By making sure that you bathe and brush them regularly, you can remove a lot of the hair and dander before it comes loose and circulates around your home. If possible, bathe your pet at an outside facility and brush them outdoors.

Change Your Filter Often

Having a pet can mean that your filter is likely to become dirty or clogged more quickly than in homes that don’t. For this reason, you should check your filter more frequently and make sure to change it when it becomes dirty. You also may want to consider choosing a filter designed for pet-friendly homes.

Have Your System Regularly Maintained

Even with your best efforts, the pet hair and dander in your home are likely to get into your HVAC system where it can build up on your system’s components, restricting the airflow and making it run less efficiently. To keep your system in proper working order and give an extra boost to the IAQ in your home, you should schedule regular HVAC maintenance.

Vacuum as Often as Possible

Regular cleaning can also help reduce pet dander in your home. Try to vacuum as frequently as you can, making sure to pay extra attention to areas where your pet frequently inhabits.

Want to improve the IAQ in your pet-friendly home? Contact Stephen K. Denny, Inc. at (561) 743-9554.

Image provided by Shutterstock

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